- +1 914-433-0266
- faciltators@ifsu.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30

Friendly Circles
Need Help?
In this page you can find our most frequently asked questions if you need additional information do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address facilitators@ifsu.org
Can I attend more than one FC a week?
Sure. Some people feel especially needful of companionship and want to attend a different FC every day. Most however join one or, occasionally, two a week. You may, however, register for only one group at a time and must wait at least a month before requesting a new group.
Can I miss a meeting?
Yes. (What would you expect from people who want to be caring and accepting?)
Will I be dropped from a FC if I miss lots of meetings?
Perhaps. But that’s up to the facilitator of your group. You can always ask your facilitator to hold a spot open for you.
Can I just visit a FC to see if I like it?
Sure. But you have to register with us first, so the facilitator knows whom to expect.
Can I quit a FC?
Yes, anytime you like. And no need to notify us. The facilitator will notify us if attendance drops so low that a new member would be welcomed.
Are there any costs or fees?
We don’t charge anything. Our services are supported by the non-profit International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (ifsu.org), as part of its efforts to make the world a friendlier place. Some FC’s may however choose to collect funds for their own purposes, as for sending candy or flowers to everyone on their birthday.
Can anyone join a FC?
Yep. In fact, we would like more people to join FCs. It will probably make the world a better place for us all. So spread the word if you can. And let us know if we can help you do so. We can, for example, email you our latest flyer so you can share it with some or all of your contacts.
Can I start a new FC?
You bet. If you have at least six people willing to meet as a Friendly Circle, let us know what days/times would work for the group and we will see if we can find a facilitator available at those days/times. Or perhaps one of your group would be willing to be a facilitator. To receive details on being a facilitator, contact facilitator@ifsu.org.
How about a new FC built on my relatives?
An excellent idea. One of our first and most successful groups started when a woman invited all her cousins, uncles, in-laws, grandparents, and other relatives to a first, exploratory meeting. The Circle that emerged seems to have helped that family become more closely-knit, with new understandings and appreciation of one another. If you would like assistance in forming such a family intergenerational group, contact facilitator@ifsu.org.
Can I join without video, so I just listen and speak without being seen?
Sure, we believe in maximum freedom. Without having a picture of you, of course, it will be much harder for the rest of us to get to know you, so we would encourage you to risk being seen. Even in curlers.
Can I join my friend’s FC?
Yes, you can join your friend’s FC as long as the facilitator confirms that space is available. Send a request with your contact information and the name of the group’s facilitator to facilitator@ifsu.com.
Is technical help available if I need it?
Yes, as long as you have a device that connects to the internet, audio or video or both. We would be happy to provide assistance. Even in our office, half of us are tech incompetents. The lower half, usually.
Do all Circles follow the same meeting outline?
No. Each group and its facilitator makes its own decisions about meeting content and format. The meeting outline we offer is merely an example of a format that experience has shown to be both effective and enjoyable. We recommend groups start with that format and, as appropriate, adjust from there.
Who decides what topics are presented for discussion?
Each group has full control of both content and process. We offer a wide selection of possible topics and facilitators and members can always create their own.
Friendly Circles

Contact Us
- +1 914-433-0266
- faciltators@ifsu.org
- IFSU Inc. 130 Marlborough Rd Briarcliff Manor 10510 NY
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This site courtesy of the International Foundation for Spiritual Development.
Registered 501 (c) 3 Charity in the State of New York.
Copyright © 2021.